Magis academicum, magis profectum


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The Israel–Lebanon conflict started in 1978. It continued ever since. This conflict includes a series of military clashes involving Israel, Lebanon and Syria, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and several non-state armed force from within Lebanon such as Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is one of the keystones of this issue. Hezbollah came alive in the early 1980’s with the Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Hezbollah (Party of Allah), a Shia Islamist political party and armed force, funded by Iran. When they took the field, Israel withdrew from Lebanon on 24 May 2000 and South Lebanon Army (SLA) which supported by Israel collapsed. United Nation drew a line between them purpose of designating whether Israel had withdrawn from Lebanon. This line called ‘Blue Line’. But Israel kept control of Shebaa Farms (Golan Heights) as a security buffer zone and also they could clearly see acts of Syria’s military acts. As a result of this act Hezbollah continued cross border attacks discontinuously for the next six years. In 2006, they captured ten of Israel’s soldiers and killed two of them. As a conclusion of these conducts ‘The 2006 Lebanon War’ happened. Was it necessary to kill thousands of people and left them with ruined homes because of ten soldiers ? or Was it only a pretext for trying to destroy Hezbollah’s south power? 

Nowadays, Israel- Lebanon conflict is on heat again. It started with Israel’s drone attack. As a response Hezbollah started to rake through Israel’s military base and military vehicles. And -of course- Israel gave their answer with attacks again. Why this conflict is coming alive again and again? Why Israel didn’t want to let go Golan Heights? As stated before it’s a strategically important area. ​In addition to its strategic military importance, the Golan Heights is an important ​water resource​, especially at the higher elevations, which are snow-covered in the winter and help sustain ​b​ase flow for rivers and springs during the dry season.

In addition to all these facts, Golan Heights are one of the pieces of ‘The Holy Land’. The Holy Land – where land is flowing with milk and honey- ​is an area roughly located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea that also includes the Eastern Bank of the Jordan River. The holiness of the Land of Israel is generally implied in the Tanakh by the Land being given to the Israelites by God, that is, it is the “promised land”, an integral part of God’s covenant. Are they really trying to complete their ‘promised land’? or Is it just a claptrap reason for keeping their soldiers and community motivated about occupations like the dark age of history?



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