Cartels are active in Mexico. They engage in human-trafficking and drug-trafficking such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana. Moreover, they are responsible for many murders. In 2006, Calderón’s government started a war against Cartel. There are lots of deaths on both sides, financial problems, and social problems. These problems were increased in the near future but who supports these conflicts and why?
In Mexico, there are 9 big cartels and more than 80 groups and gangs. These cartels engage in human-trafficking, drug-trafficking, black marketing of weapon and fuel oil. Sometimes they had conflicts with government officials. Some of the biggest cartels are Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), Sinaloa Cartel and so on. In 2006, the government started a war against Cartels. Beginning of this date 300,000 people died, more than 340,000 people displaced and about 60,000 people are missing. Even today, people are still dying. In addition to these pieces of information, in 2018 there was 35,964 homicide, it was one of the most bloody years in Mexico. ¹

In the previous days, Joaquin Guzman’s son Ovidio Guzman, head of the Sinaloa Cartel’s son, arrested by police. After this arrestment, all cartel members started a revolt. They closed the streets, set afire the cars and they clashed with government officials. In this chaos, about 30 prisoners escaped from the prisons. At the end of this chaotic atmosphere, the government released Ovidio Guzman and their argument was got control of the cities and ensured the safety of citizens.²

All this information got united in one question: Who supports this war? To continue this war, the Cartels need a weapon and financial support. When we look at the drug economy, the United States of America can be a possible answer. The USA is one of the biggest drug consumers in the world. In addition to this, their border is too long so is it getting easier to trafficking? USA Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 64,000 people died because of drugs only in 2016. It is clear that the USA is badly affected by these anarchic groups. So, what should the USA do to stop this trafficking? The USA has some solutions like building a wall on the Mexican border. This construction plan was highly expensive and it caused a conflict between senators and administration.³ Moreover, this wall prevents illegal immigrants at the same time. So, will this wall be a benefit for the USA or is this solution enough to control this trafficking? All these questions will be answered in the future.